Today, Barry Cook – Director of the WV Division of Forestry (DOF) – gave a presentation to the WV Legislature’s Forest Management Review Commission (FMRC). Director Cook spoke about the China Tariff situation, “first responder” designation for DOF Staff and gave an overview of WV loggers’ workers compensation coverage.
The FMRC heard that 50% of WV hardwoods have been going to China. But, the Chinese reaction to the Administration’s position on increased tariffs has already affected hardwood sales statewide. The forest products industry in WV is quickly approaching the low levels of the Great Recession, as asserted. Complicating the situation, China is insisting on more strenuous enforcement of fumigation rules. * The silver-lining, here, is that WV is the world’s woodbasket for hardwoods. Our forests have been well managed and our growth rates far excees harvests.