On December 4, PLT staff conducted a “PLT 101” webinar presentation for the national SFI Board of Directors to learn more about the Project Learning Tree program. We reviewed PLT’s main program areas, including curriculum, professional development, network management, special initiatives, and communications. We shared high level findings from our market research, which informs our overall PLT business plan. It wrapped up with a look ahead.
This “PLT 101” webinar was recorded and remains available for viewing or sharing. To access the recording, visit our unique Ready Talk link at http://cc.readytalk.com/play?id=cd7so8, provide your name at the Recording Registration page, and click submit. PLT has other tools to help you promote PLT in your states. Remember to reference the following in your state level communications to spread the good word about PLT and the work we do:
- PLT Website – Tell others about this site.
- PLT Youtube Channel – Dozens of high quality videos about PLT.
- Video Introduction to PLT’s E-Units – PLT’s newest curriculum for Grades K-2, 3-5, & 6-8.