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Remembering A Great Leader

This year has most certainly been challenging for everyone, but it has been especially difficult for the West Virginia Division of Forestry. Like many,...


Hi Firewood Industry Professional: Mark you calendars for our next National Firewood Workshop 2020 TN for Wednesday and Thursday, June 10 and 11, 2019 at...

Speed-Up National Forest Harvests – Please Comment

The comment deadline for the U.S. Forest Service’s proposed regulations under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) has been extended to Monday, August 26. If you...

Virginia Big-Eared Bat Recovery Plan

Dear Respected Partner, This email is to inform you that the draft revision on the Virginia big-eared bat recovery plan is available for public review...

WVFA Awards Loggers

The 2019 Outstanding Logger of the Year Finalist (Regional Winners) are Triple B Logging, Inc., Dallison Logging and J&B Logging, Inc.We’d like to thank...

State Forester Seeks Hardwood Industry Help

Dear Barry , Thank you for reaching out and expressing your support for the inclusion of the hardwoods industry in the $16 billion trade relief package that...

Help with New WVFA Exhibit

To WVFA Membership:  You may have heard, WVFA is excited about our new exhibit display to update our public face and energize the general public about West Virginia's...
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