SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative)

Earlier this year SFI Inc. released a new SFI Small Lands Group Certification Module (the Module). The Module is an innovative approach to support sustainable forest management, designed for mills or wood-procurement organizations to serve as group managers and engage small landowners in certification under one group certificate. Optional modules are a way for SFI to address emerging issues and new opportunities such as small lands certification, carbon markets, conservation easements, etc.

As part of the PEFC endorsement process, SFI is seeking additional input into the Module, including the standard development process described below.

The 60-day public comment period opens today, November 19th, and will close Thursday, January 17 2019. Please submit comments, using the attached template, to the following e-mail address: standard.development@sfiprogram.org

SFI is also seeking individuals to participate in the multi-stakeholder SFI Small Lands Work Group. This Work Group will review comments, but also offer interpretations and/or guidance on the implementation of the Module. In keeping with the SFI and PEFC requirements, individuals wishing to apply should be:

  • Small forest landowners;
  • SFI Program Participants or SFI Implementation Committee representatives;
  • Organizations Piloting the Module;
  • Representatives of conservation organizations;
  • Indigenous people;
  • Government resource management agencies;
  • Academia and the research community; and/or
  • Representatives of labor organizations.

Module Working Group conference calls will commence in the new year. Dates and times for the calls will be determined once the Working Group membership has been finalized. Review of the comments, and any edits to the Module will be finalized no later than April 1st. If you are interested in participating in the Work Group, or if you are interested but don’t feel that you fall cleanly into one of the categories above, please contact me at standard.development@sfiprogram.org.

Gregor Macintosh
Senior Director, Standards
Sustainable Forestry Initiative Inc.
Tel. (778) 351-3358
