Timber sales are conducted on national forests to help meet the nation’s timber needs as well as protect and restore ecological systems through their strategic use. Balancing the ecological with the economical, timber sales are a part of the Forest Service’s multi-use forest management plan for providing the greatest good to local communities.
As of August 8, 2022, Monongahela National Forest has advertised 37 mmbf timber volume for bid, including readvertisements.
Most of the timber volume this year is being offered during the second half of the fiscal year. As of August 3, 2022, the Forest has sold 17.2 mmbf/28,379 ccf, harvested 7.1 mmbf/11,759 ccf, with a sold value of $2.34M, and eventual ecosystem restoration of approximately 2,000 acres.
Results of previous sales and current timber sales are listed online at https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/mnf/home/?cid=fseprd542047. The Forest expects to offer a number of timber sales in fiscal year 2023 using both conventional and helicopter logging options.
Retained receipts from timber sales are used to support essential reforestation, such as post-harvest site preparation for natural regeneration, seedling planting, tree release, and stocking surveys. Some funding goes to stewardship projects such as invasive species treatments, mineland restoration, and stream improvements, for example. Other potential improvements include wildlife openings and trail maintenance.
Some of the funding is used to support future salvage operations from insects, disease, and storm events. A small portion of the receipts go to the National Forest Fund.
For more information about Monongahela National Forest’s timber program contact Kirk Piehler at kirk.piehler@usda.gov.